
Sia - Review by Martin Kielty

 Martin Kielty - rock journalist and author

 Hey Andy –– finally got time to settle down in a nice vibe and listen to the album. Fuck me, it is a masterpiece! As a wordsmith I’d start with the words “globally emotional” and “world music for the world now.”I LOVE it. I hope this isn’t an insult – I don’t think it is – but it reminds me of the “world music” that came out in the ‘80s, when we were starting to really celebrate a sense of connection, before it all went Neo-liberal… And I don’t want to over-politicise your art, but you’re making a powerful point in a strong way.

In any case, my compliments. It looks from the outside that you toiled through a long period of averageness to get here. But you GOT here. It’s an artistic achievement, it’s a slice of all-ambracing honesty that the world needs right now; and I get the feeling that you always aimed for that, and in the past sometimes you succeeded. But THIS, this is a victory.

You can HEAR the confidence and love. And we ALL need that right now!